Farmers Market and Family

Phew, I am rested up after a much needed weekend filled with downtime. I spent yesterday enjoying the Aksarben Farmers Market near my hotel in Omaha. Aksarben is Nebraska spelled backwards and is a name derived from a high society group that owned the horse racetrack turned mixed-use district which includes part of the University of Nebraska at Omaha campus.

I spent the rest of the day re-recording my narrations of episode 1 and capturing some relevant b-roll and drone shots for episode 2. To thank my aunt and uncle for the short notice use of their deck to launch my drone, I invited them over to my parent’s for some Farmers Market improvisations.

After yet another full night of sleep and no late hour driving, I woke up and banged out the edits for episode 1. Hope to have to have the final version back this week and debut it before the weekend. Fingers crossed.

What have you done recently to recharge your batteries?


Entering the Home Stretch


Unexpected Discoveries